Tax Season

I was just installing a new zip drive that I was reusing after it had sat in my closet for ten years. On it were library files from those golden years when I used to bring work home. Oh the elegiac moments it brought home to me. Reference orders. Government document discard lists. And a cute article I wrote for the local paper. This is a draft before the Director saw it so all of the little asides are intact at this point.
"Death and taxes and childbirth. There's never any convenient time for any of them, quoth H.L. Mencken. And while it is never convenient, tax season has begun at the Library. The Aardvark Public Library is a US and state tax center. This year we have ordered more tax books and forms so we should not run out as quickly. We will also have the Reproducible Books so pages can be copied. The Internet will also be enlisted to search for forms that we do not have. All IRS forms and almost all state forms can be downloaded and copied from the Internet or from our new CD ROM.
The Internet was just coming into its own then. Little did we know that most people would be getting the forms online and bypassing us ten years later.
Free tax assistance will also be available this year from both the AARP (Tax Counseling for the Elderly or TCE) and VITA program volunteers. These volunteers receive training every year from the IRS. The numerous changes this year on both the state and federal level make this a necessity.
What a pain in the gonzolas coordinating the AARP volunteers was. We had to make the appointments at the Reference desk. One year they tried putting volunteers on the phone. What a double pain in the gonzolas that was.
The AARP sessions are open to older Americans and are by appointment only. They started recently but we expect the allocated slots to run out quickly this year. Please call the Library for an appointment. The VITA volunteers are State accounting students and teachers and they are available to walk ins on Saturday mornings after 10AM. If you avail yourself of these programs, please bring as much information as you can. Any W2 forms, 1099 forms, end of year bank statements, SSA forms you received will be needed to fill out the information on the tax forms. Also bring last years tax forms. The library staff is not prepared to answer tax questions.
The IRS can also be contacted directly concerning tax related queries. Their number is 1-800-xxx-1040. They have customer centers in Oinkville at 910 Broad Street. Their number is xxx-xxxx. These offices are open 8:30 to 4:30 weekdays.
People often wonder why IRS publications are different at the Library than the forms they receive at home. At home the books have colorful covers and include the tax forms inside the books. The tax forms we receive are loose sheets and the instruction books are battleship grey and include no forms. New Jersey booklets are identical to the ones you get at home. Go figure. At any rate, have a happy tax season!
Happy tax season my aardvark. The staff hated tax season. Getting those pesky books that Mr. Mustache hid in back in those awful file draws. Having to change Mrs. Boxworth's appointment five times. The fist fight they had one morning waiting for the VITA people to come in. There were never enough volunteers to handle all the people that wanted their taxes done.
· Remember that the AARP volunteers are there to serve older and retired taxpayers only
Tell that to the patrons!
· Take one appointment for each line in the book in pencil
· One name only for each appointment with the exception of couples filling out joint returns
· Put the phone number of the person next to the name
· Remind the clients to bring with them their returns from last year (state and federal) and any income information (ie 1099 forms, W2 forms,1099-SSA, and any other information on for 1996 income)
· Give reminder slips to walk in clients with the date and time of the appointment
Although we weren't supposed to give tax advise I sometimes would tell people what forms they probably needed. Logically the 1040 form would be the easy form and the 1040 A and EZ forms would be the complicated forms since they had suffixes. Not true.
Nostalgia. Putting out tax forms during my lunch hour. Making tax appointments when I was supposed to be at break. Still it was great being important at least a few months of the year. For many people the one time of the year they go to the library was tax related. April 15th was a day full of excitement and there was a let-down wn on the 16th of the month when taxes were gone for another year. Finally the boxes could be be sorted and excess forms could be thrown in the dumpster. Gone until those boxes started arriving again in January.
I always took my vacation in March.
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